Ultrasound Therapy

Therapeutic ultrasound is often used by physiotherapists to reduce pain, increase circulation and increase mobility of soft tissues. Additionally, the application of ultrasound can be helpful in the reduction of inflammation, reducing pain and the healing of injuries and wounds.

As well as heating and relaxing the muscles, ultrasound therapy breaks down scar tissue and increases local blood flow. All of this combines to increase healing rates in the area, making it a suitable way to speed up slow-healing or chronic issues.

Commonly the treatment lasts 5 to 10 minutes, and it’s typically not performed more than once per day. 

Ultrasound therapy is the use of sound waves to treat medical problems, especially musculoskeletal problems like inflammation from injuries (sprains, tendinitis, bursitis). It has been a popular therapy for decades, its use so widespread that it almost defines physical therapy.

Ultrasound is a passive modality, meaning a treatment your physical therapist administers. It is a supplement to the primary treatment (eg, therapeutic stretching, exercise). Ultrasound can help relax tight muscles that are sore, and warms muscles and soft tissues, which increases circulation that helps healing.

Ultrasound therapy – commercially known as Ultherapy – improves the appearance of moderately loose or sagging skin by depositing focused ultrasound energy below the surface to stimulate the body’s creation of new collagen, the natural protein that gives skin its youthful firmness and elasticity.

Therapeutic ultrasound liposuction massage treatment has been shown to cause increases in:

  • healing rates
  • tissue relaxation
  • tissue heating
  • local blood flow
  • breakdown of scar tissue and lumps after lipo
  • lymphatic drainage

The effect of ultrasound via an increase in local blood flow can be used to help reduce local swelling, chronic inflammation, lumps after lipo from the scar tissue formations (fibrosis build up). The intensity or power density of the ultrasound can be adjusted depending on the desired effect. A greater power density is often used in cases where scar tissue breakdown is the range of expectations after liposuction surgery and treatment.

Conclusion: the association between manual lymphatic drainage and the therapeutic ultrasound reduced the swelling and the tissue fibrosis and made pain disappear in liposuction and lipoabdominoplasty PO period.




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