Cancellation/ Reschedule Policy

Updated October 22, 2023

  • Text appointment reminders are usually sent out the afternoon before or the morning of your scheduled appointment a reply is required to Confirm, Cancel, or Reschedule your appointment. However, clients are responsible for keeping track of their appointments. Text reminders are a courtesy and may or may not be sent.  
  • Cancellations: If you are unable to keep your appointment please cancel or reschedule 24 hours in advance. This can be done through your appointment confirmation email as well as your online account.   Any appointment changes less than 6 hours before your scheduled appointment will result in a last-minute cancelation/ reschedule fee of $25. We understand that unexpected things happen to cause cancellations. We ask that clients understand the therapist must be compensated due to last-minute changes preventing the opportunity for that appointment time to be filled. 
  • Repetitive: late appointment changes/ cancellations (more than 3 within 45 days) will result in the client being required to pre-pay for services and forfeit 100% of paid services for last-minute cancellations or reschedules. 
  • A  NoCall/NoShow The deposit will be forfeited in the event of a last-minute rescheduling, last-minute cancelation, or a no-call no-show. If there is no deposit on file a No Show fee and deposit will be required to schedule.  Payments are due before scheduling future appointments. Your online booking ability may be restricted
  • If you have purchased a massage package a No-Call, No-Show will forfeit your session. Last minute cancellations or reschedules (Less than 6 hours) a $25 reschedule fee is required. 
  • If you need to pay a cancelation, reschedule, No-call No-show, or service deposit fees, please do so before scheduling your next appointment. Include in the “notes to the therapist” section that your fee has been paid. if fees are not paid appointment is subject to cancel.

Payments acceptedSquare, Zelle (863) 999-4047, Cash App $LadiaPaulk.

The photos advertised on the page are not photos taken by Elite Health & Beauty. These are Google search photos used for the purpose of showing results and benefits of different therapies.