Elite Health & Beauty Bar & Spa Inc.

Body Cavitation

It's time to get the look you want!

Cavitation is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses ultrasound technology to reduce fat cells in targeted parts of the body. It is the preferred option for anyone who does not want to undergo other options such as liposuction, as it does not involve any surgery or recovery time. Cavitation is also recommended post-surgery to help tighten and smooth uneven skin.

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Body Sculpting Cavitation Treatments

Below are treatment times recommended for each area of focus. It’s recommended that you focus on one to two areas for 6-10 sessions for max results.  Body Treatments: Unoisetion Cavitation 2.0 Vibration 30 mins,  Quadrople Body 3D RF 20mins, Quadrupolar Vacuum 3D RF 20mins, Laser Photon 30mins. Full treatment for 1 area: 100 mins.

Facial Treatments: Quadrople 3D RF/ 3-polar 3D RF 20mins, Microcurrent & LED light therapy 15mins, Hot/Cold Hammer 10mins.

Ultrasonic Cavitation
1 Area

  • Stomach 30 mins 
  • Buttocks 30 mins
  • Love Handles 30 mins 
  • Upper Arms 30 mins 
  • Back & Flanks 30 mins 
  • Front Legs/Inner Thighs 60 mins 
  • Back Legs/Outer Thighs 60 mins 

Ultrasonic Cavitation &
Tripolar RF Skin Tightening
1 Area

  • Stomach 40 mins 
  • Upper Arms 45 mins 
  • Love Handles 50 mins 
  • Back & Flanks 50 mins 
  • Buttocks 50 mins 
  • Front Legs/Inner Thighs 90 mins 
  • Back Legs/Outer Thighs 90 mins 

Cavitation, 3RF Vacuum Therapy,
3D RF Skin Tightening
1 Area

  • Stomach 60 mins 
  • Upper Arms 60 mins 
  • Love Handles 60 mins 
  • Back & Flanks 60 mins 
  • Buttocks 60 mins 
  • Front Legs/Inner Thighs 90 mins 
  • Back Legs/Outer Thighs 90 mins 

Dipolar RF & Tripolar RF Skin Tightening

  • Neck 15 mins 
  • Eye Area 15 mins 
  • Face Lift 45 Mins 

(30 mins)

Destroys subcutaneous fat cells in the fat cell membranes through a series of implosions. Once the fat cell membrane (adipose tissue) is destroyed, the fat is discharged between the cells where they are turned into protein and then changed to free fatty acids and glycerol. Free fatty acids are moved to the liver where they decay and are removed from the body while water-soluble glycerol is transported to the circulatory system and used as energy.

Quadrupole 3D RF with vacuum
(20 mins)

The powerful vacuum function increases the blood circulation by sucking the target areas and evens out the skin to optimize efficient RF energy delivery. The Vacuum RF therapy system uses suction and pressure to release the fluids in the fat cells that cause cellulite. Along with Radio Frequency energies to create superficial and deep heating of connective tissue fibers, dermal collagen fibers and fat cells.

3D Smart Radio Frequency
(20 mins)

Smart 3D RF Radiofrequency is good for skin tightening. RF therapy uses low energy radiation to heat the deep layer of your skin called the dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen to help improve signs of wrinkles and sagging skin. Research has found that RF therapy is usually safe and can be effective at treating mild or moderate signs of aging. RF is also recommended for improving the sagging skin of the face and neck and eliminating the crowds with the double chin.  

3D RF Laser Photon
(30 mins)

Laser Photon emits low levels of laser energy, which creates a chemical signal in the fat cells, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids, glycerol, and water molecules, the same natural response initiated by the body anytime it needs to use its stored energy reserves.

Facial Treatments

Hot/Cold Hammer

Cold Therapy: used to shrink pores after skin moisturizing and nutrition importation, this colling therapy can promote skin tightening and enhance acne relieving and smoothing. 

Microcurrent & LED light therapy-acne treatment & skin firming

Microcurrent-safe and painless facial help erase fine lines and wrinkles while firming your skin and defining your features. It improves muscle tone, reduces puffiness, increases cellular activity, and tightens pores. That is why the result will be double after LED light therapy for acne, wrinkle, the overall result is healthier and younger-looking skin. no matter your age. 

Recommendations for Successful Results:

Remove all metal and jewelry, contraindications for metal implants. Bring a bikini-style swimsuit to wear during treatment.

·       Drink at least 2.0 liters of water daily, especially the day before and on the treatment day; ( 1 liter before and 1 liter after) each treatment, because it makes you thirsty.

·       Keep a balanced diet.

·       Exercise before and after treatment – If you do not currently exercise, start with a 15-minute brisk walk before and after. Increase it by 10 minutes per day. Exercise makes your lymphatic system function better.

·       We like to remind our customers that this is not an alternative to eating a healthy diet and exercising. We believe This supplementary treatment can enhance your physique and help with your fat loss goals.

·       Consider avoiding alcohol and caffeine, which compete with your liver.

No hot showers for 48 hours after treatment.

For more information, please research Cavitation treatments to ensure this service is for you. 


Most frequent questions and answers

Results will continue to improve for several weeks following the last treatment session. The body will continue to metabolize fat for up to 12 weeks which means that for most people the loss can be permanent. This procedure will also leave your skin firmer and smoother looking than before.

There are virtually no side effects. However, on rare occasions there may be a slight possibility of mild side effects such as transient redness, excessive thirst, or nausea immediately after the treatment which is invariably resolved by drinking water. These are all short-term effects that disappear in a few hours.

The Ultrasound Cavitation Non-Surgical “Liposuction” emulsifies fat and coverts solid fat into a liquid substance that is easy to remove through the lymphatic and urinary systems. Some of the melted fat will be used for energy and the rest will be excreted through the urine – that is why drinking water is essential.

This treatment is best suited for the average to moderately overweight person who has a healthy lifestyle and exercises regularly. We want people to know exactly what to expect. Let us be clear this is not a miracle device that will strip away huge layers of built up fat in a single session. It is NOT for OBESE or SERIOUSLY OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE; and it is not practical or economical to use it as such. Instead, it is for those who have isolated areas of extra fat that are not helped by diet and exercise. But it is perfect for person who has no desire for surgery, and is looking for modest reductions in key problem areas.
If you’re a man or woman who can’t eliminate those stubborn bulges through healthy exercise and diet, and don’t want to undergo surgery (liposuction), then this non-surgical fat reduction technique may be for you. 
Areas targeted are: Abdomen and Flanks (“love handles”), Thighs (“saddle bags”) and Buttocks, also Upper Arm and Inner knees and Male Breasts.

How soon can I see a result of cavitation? Most clients will have a noticeable reduction in their measurements after the very first treatment, some have recorded 5 inches, however the average is a 2-inch loss.

Great results can be obtained for those who have up to 25 – 30 pounds or less to lose. Ultrasound Cavitation is ideal for those who have tried to shift the stubborn fatty bulges with diet or exercise and are aiming for a smoother and more balanced shape.

If you have a very large amount of fat on your abdomen only, then ultrasound is very effective for you. On the other hand, if you are thinner and have multiple body parts that need to be carved, then the laser may be better. It’s important to make decisions that suit you and the results you want.

Liposuction, RF Skin Tightening, and Ultrasonic Cavitation can be very effective in perfection your results it helps smooth, tighten, and reduce measurements around your waist after your surgery. … Cavitation is a method of liposuction. Cavitation destroys fat cells by using low frequency sound waves.

acute or contagious diseases, HIV, history of cancer, kidney or liver failure, fatty liver, implants or electronic devices,  metals, epiphysis or MS, pregnancy, renal failure, hepatitis, osteoporosis, the presence of skin in the affected area of the wound surfaces, diseases of the immune system, blood clotting disorders, diabetes mellitus, myoma of the uterus, chronic infectious diseases, lactation. 

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Prioritizing self-care sets you up for success. Small steps make a big difference. The spa supports your journey to optimal health and wellness.

The photos advertised on the page are not photos taken by Elite Health & Beauty. These are Google search photos used for the purpose of showing results and benefits of different therapies.